shaking hands: customer referral program

Setting up a Stellar Customer Referral Program: 9 Useful Tips

Customer referrals are one of the most effective ways to grow your business. In fact, people are four times more likely to buy a product or service when it’s recommended by a friend or family member.

Building a successful customer referral program isn’t just about asking for recommendations though—it requires a well-thought-out plan, the right incentives, and a seamless experience for both existing and new customers.

One of the most powerful tools for incentivizing referrals are digital gift cards. With the convenience of instant delivery and personalization, these gift cards are perfect for rewarding customers who advocate for your brand.

In this guide, we’ll dive into 9 tips for setting up an impactful customer referral program, exploring why digital gift cards are the perfect reward and the lasting impact referral programs can have on your business.

Why Customer Referral Programs Matter

Before we jump into the tips, it’s important to understand why customer referral programs are such a vital part of a business’s growth strategy. Here are some of the top benefits:

1. Cost-Effective Customer Acquisition

Customer Referral programs allow businesses to attract new customers at a lower cost compared to traditional advertising. Through traditional means, businesses spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars for each customer they acquire.

When you let your customers do the legwork by recommending your brand to others, you save on expensive marketing campaigns while still gaining valuable leads.

How much does it cost to acquire a customer?

The average cost of acquiring a business customer is $600. With this in mind, it is clear why referral programs are so cost-effective.

2. Higher Conversion Rates

Referred customers are more likely to trust your brand, because the recommendation comes from someone they know. As a result, referral marketing typically has higher conversion rates than other channels. According to Nielsen, 88% of customers trust recommendations from people they know over any other form of advertising.

3. Increased Customer Loyalty

When you reward your customers for referring others, it not only encourages them to spread the word, but it also strengthens their loyalty to your brand. People who feel valued are more likely to return and become long-term advocates.

4. Quality Leads

Customers who are referred to your business are often more valuable. They tend to have higher lifetime value, are more likely to make repeat purchases, and are less likely to churn. This is because they’re being referred by people who know your business and believe in its value.

With these benefits in mind, let’s explore the steps to setting up a stellar referral program using digital gift cards.

9 Tips for Setting Up a Stellar Referral Program

Tip 1: Define Clear Goals and KPIs

The first step in building a customer referral program is setting clear goals. Are you looking to drive more website traffic, increase sales, or boost customer engagement?

By defining your goals upfront, you can tailor your referral program to meet those objectives and measure its success. Common key performance indicators (KPIs) include:

  • Number of referrals generated
  • Conversion rates of referred customers
  • Total sales driven by the referral program
  • Average order value of referred customers

Setting specific KPIs will help you track progress and make adjustments as needed.

Tip 2: Choose the Right Incentives

To motivate your customers to refer their friends, you need to offer a reward that resonates with them.

This is where digital gift cards come into play. Digital gift cards, such as the Toasty Choice Card, are an excellent incentive because they offer flexibility—recipients can choose from a range of popular brands or services.

When deciding on your reward, consider these factors:

  • Two-Sided Rewards: Offering incentives to both the referrer and the referred customer can increase participation. For example, you might offer a $20 digital gift card to both parties once the referral makes a purchase.
  • Flexible Digital Gift Cards: Instead of limiting customers to a single brand, offer them the flexibility to choose their reward. With our Toasty Choice Card, recipients can select from a wide range of options, ensuring they get exactly what they want. This flexibility increases the appeal of your customer referral program and provides a more personalized experience for each recipient.
  • Tiered Rewards: Consider offering tiered rewards where customers can earn increasing amounts based on the number or magnitude of successful referrals. This can encourage repeat participation.

Tip 3: Make It Easy to Share

The success of your customer referral program depends on how easy it is for customers to share it. Make sure your referral process is simple and user-friendly. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Referral Links: Provide customers with personalized referral links they can share via email, social media, or text. This ensures tracking is seamless, and both the referrer and the referred can easily follow through.
  • One-Click Sharing: Integrate social media sharing options so customers can share their referral link directly on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with a single click.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Many customers access their accounts and emails on mobile devices. Ensure that your referral program is fully optimized for mobile, allowing customers to refer others from their phones without hassle.

Tip 4: Promote the Program Everywhere

Your audience won’t know about your customer referral program unless you promote it. Be sure to market your referral program across multiple channels:

  • Email Campaigns: Send targeted emails to your existing customers, encouraging them to join your referral program. Highlight the benefits and explain how they can easily refer friends for rewards.
  • Website Pop-Ups: Add referral program pop-ups or banners on your website’s homepage or account dashboard. This ensures every visitor knows about the program as soon as they arrive.
  • Social Media: Create engaging social media posts that explain your referral program and showcase the rewards on offer. Use visuals to highlight the gift cards and encourage users to share with their network.

Tip 5: Provide Real-Time Updates

Keep participants engaged by providing real-time updates on their referral progress. Let customers know when their referrals sign up, make a purchase, or when they’ve earned a reward.

This not only keeps them excited about the program, but it also encourages them to make more referrals to unlock additional rewards.

Automated email notifications or an online dashboard where customers can track their referrals can make this process seamless.

Tip 6: Offer Ongoing Incentives

Don’t limit your customer referral program to a one-time promotion. To maximize participation and engagement, make your referral program a long-term initiative.

Regularly update your rewards or add seasonal incentives to keep the program fresh and exciting.

For example, during the holiday season, you could increase the reward value or offer additional perks, such as double the digital gift card value for any referral made during the month of December.

Do you have a busy season?

Maximize the ROI of your customer referral program by sweetening the incentive offered before (and throughout) your busy season.

When customers find themselves with a need, your business will be top of mind.

Tip 7: Leverage Customer Reviews

5 stars

Customer reviews are powerful tools that can work in tandem with your customer referrals. Positive reviews act as social proof, reinforcing the trustworthiness of your brand. Encourage customers to leave reviews and highlight them on your referral program landing page.

Additionally, consider offering small digital gift cards as incentives for leaving a review. While this isn’t part of the referral program itself, it creates more opportunities for customers to talk about their positive experiences and potentially share their referral link.

Tip 8: Segment Your Audience

Not all customers are the same, so segment your audience to target the right people for your referral program.

You may find that certain segments, such as long-term customers or high spenders, are more likely to participate in referrals than others.

By identifying your top referrers, you can tailor your messaging and rewards to better suit their needs, leading to higher engagement and more referrals.

Tip 9: Measure, Analyze, and Improve

ruler on a yellow background

Once your referral program is up and running, it’s crucial to measure its performance regularly. Use the KPIs you defined in the beginning to track your success, and analyze the data to understand what’s working and what’s not.

If you notice that certain customers aren’t participating, it may be time to tweak your messaging or adjust your rewards. Always be open to making improvements to ensure the program is as effective as possible.

Not Sure What Customers Want?

If a key segment of your audience is not engaging with your customer referral program, there is an easy solution: ask them!

People love to talk about themselves, and you may discover an easy tweak to improve your program.

Why Digital Gift Cards Are Ideal for Referral Programs

Toasty Choice Card

Digital gift cards have become a preferred reward in customer referral programs for several reasons:

  • Instant Gratification: Customers appreciate rewards they can use immediately, and digital gift cards deliver that instant satisfaction.
  • Flexibility: Digital gift cards can be tailored to different tastes and preferences. Whether it’s for dining, shopping, or entertainment, customers will appreciate the ability to choose.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to physical rewards, digital gift cards are easier to distribute and manage. Plus, they reduce overhead costs related to shipping or inventory.
  • Trackable: With digital gift cards, you can track redemptions and measure the impact on your program’s success, making it easier to optimize your referral strategy over time.
  • Security: Digital gift cards are safer than physical rewards, which can be lost, stolen, or damaged. Delivered electronically, they reach recipients securely and can be easily stored in email or digital wallets, reducing the risk of loss.


Setting up a customer referral program using digital gift cards can be a game-changer for your business. By following these 9 tips, you’ll not only drive customer engagement but also unlock a powerful channel for acquiring new customers at a lower cost.

Referral programs help you build trust, strengthen customer loyalty, and attract valuable leads—ensuring your business continues to grow through the power of word-of-mouth.

Ready to launch your customer referral program? Start using custom digital gift cards to incentivize referrals and watch your business soar!

To get your customer referral program up and running in minutes, sign up for free. Need to do a little more brainstorming? We’re happy to setup a personalized demo!

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