Image of teamwork spelled with scrabble letters, depicting team building events.

25 Energizing Team Building Event Ideas That Don’t Suck

Team building events are more than just fun diversions; they are essential tools for fostering collaboration, improving communication, and strengthening the bonds between team members.

Especially in the modern workplace—where hybrid and remote models are increasingly common—team building events can create cohesion, spark creativity, and reinvigorate morale.

The best team building events are those that blend excitement with clear, purposeful goals that align with your organization’s values.

In this guide, we’ll explore why team building events matter, the benefits they bring to the workplace, and a wide range of creative team building ideas that work for both remote and in-person teams.

Why Are Team Building Events Important?

team building game

Team building events are designed to strengthen relationships, improve team dynamics, and boost performance.

Gallup’s research shows that only 32% of American employees are engaged at work—a troubling statistic considering how much time we spend in professional environments.

Employee engagement, morale, and satisfaction are all areas that can be improved with well-designed team building events.

But why are they so crucial to the workplace?

  • Improved Communication: When employees are encouraged to work together in a fun, non-work-related setting, they develop better communication skills.

    These experiences translate into more effective communication during work hours, reducing friction and increasing productivity.

  • Increased Trust and Collaboration: Team building exercises help break down barriers and create an environment where employees feel comfortable relying on each other.

    When trust is built, employees are more likely to collaborate openly, resulting in a stronger, more cohesive team.

  • Boost in Morale: Engaging in fun, out-of-office activities is a great way to refresh team spirit.

    When employees feel valued and supported, their motivation and loyalty to the organization increase. This positive morale leads to more energized and creative work.

  • Employee Retention: Companies that make an effort to regularly engage in team building activities have higher rates of employee satisfaction.

    This satisfaction directly correlates to retention, as employees feel more connected and committed to the organization.

  • Innovation and Creativity: Team building events often involve problem-solving, creative thinking, and collaboration under pressure.

    These exercises stimulate innovation, allowing team members to bring fresh ideas to the table when tackling workplace challenges.

In short, team building events act as a powerful tool to create alignment between individual efforts and the organization’s overall goals.

They help employees build relationships, sharpen communication skills, and develop the trust that is essential for any team’s success.

Planning Your Team Building Event: Key Considerations

Before diving into the details of specific activities, it’s important to recognize that a successful event starts with effective planning.

Here are some key factors to consider when organizing a team building event:

  1. Define Your Goals: Clarify what you want to achieve. Are you looking to improve communication within teams?

    Strengthen relationships across departments? Or perhaps spark creativity and innovation? Defining clear goals will help you choose activities that are aligned with your desired outcomes.

  2. Incorporate Inclusivity: Ensure that the activities are inclusive of all employees, regardless of physical ability, cultural background, or personal preferences.

    Consider dietary restrictions, accessibility, and the different comfort levels of your team members.

  3. Set a Budget: Determine the financial resources you have available.

    Many team building events can be done on a shoestring budget, but some may require more investment—such as hiring external facilitators or booking a venue.

  4. Choose the Right Time: Timing is everything. Pick a time when most employees are available and not stressed by work deadlines.

    This ensures that everyone can participate fully and with enthusiasm.

  5. Consider Logistics: Whether virtual or in-person, ensure that all the logistical details are in place.

    For physical events, ensure there is a suitable venue, transportation, and supplies. For remote events, test the technology to ensure a smooth experience.

  6. Engage Your Team in Planning: Give your team the opportunity to be involved in selecting activities.

    This helps boost excitement and engagement since employees feel like they’ve contributed to the event’s success.

  7. Gather Feedback: After the event, ask for feedback. This will help you refine your future team building activities and ensure they continue to meet the evolving needs of your team.

  8. Don’t Force It: Make attendance optional if feasible. If someone doesn’t want to participate, forcing them to will make it a worse experience for everyone.

25 Team Building Ideas for work

Collaborative Challenges

image depicting cooperation

1. Puzzle Relay

This is a competitive event where each team gets part of a large puzzle. Teams must solve their section and then connect it with the other groups to complete the larger puzzle.

It emphasizes teamwork, time management, and collaboration across departments.

2. Paper Plane Competition

Divide teams and challenge them to design paper planes that can fly the farthest or perform specific tricks.

Teams can iterate their designs after test flights, making this both a creative and competitive exercise.

3. “Tower of Strength”

Using just basic materials like paper cups, rubber bands, and string, teams compete to build the tallest freestanding tower.

It’s an excellent way to encourage creativity and teamwork while fostering a playful sense of competition.

4. Group Jigsaw Puzzle Race

Break your team into smaller groups, give each group a puzzle, and set a time limit. The twist?

The puzzles they’re completing form one larger picture, but the teams have to work separately. This activity encourages both team collaboration and larger team interdependence.

Creative and Innovation-Focused Activities

image of colored pencils for creativity

5. Improv Theater Games

Improv activities require participants to think on their feet and respond to unpredictable situations.

Games like “Yes, And…” or “Scenes from a Hat” help promote creativity and adaptability. These exercises are great for breaking down barriers and encouraging out-of-the-box thinking.

6. Idea Hackathons

Turn innovation into a team event by organizing a hackathon. Teams work to solve company challenges or come up with new product ideas.

This activity can be done over a day or weekend and helps cultivate a culture of creativity, innovation, and cross-team collaboration.

7. DIY Art Workshop

Host a workshop where team members work together to create art—whether that’s painting a mural, making pottery, or crafting sculptures.

The goal is to spark creativity while allowing employees to express themselves artistically. The finished artwork can even be displayed in the office as a reminder of the team’s collaboration.

8. Rage Room

Rage rooms are quickly becoming all the… rage. These rooms allow participants to take out their frustrations on various inanimate objects, including cars!

If you haven’t heard of them before, we highly recommend looking into them.

Trust and Communication Building Activities

trust spelled out with scrabble letters

9. Trust Fall & Blindfold Maze

One person is blindfolded while their teammate verbally guides them through an obstacle course or maze.

This builds trust, communication, and the ability to give clear instructions.

10. Personality Mapping

Use personality assessments like Myers-Briggs or StrengthsFinder, and create a “map” of team members’ traits.

Each team member shares their results with the group, and the team discusses how individual traits contribute to team dynamics. This activity helps deepen understanding and empathy among coworkers.

11. Silent Line-Up

Participants are asked to line up in order of height, age, or another measure—without speaking. They must use non-verbal communication to organize themselves, helping to build intuitive collaboration and teamwork.

Virtual and Remote-Friendly Activities

zoom call representing virtual employees

12. Virtual Museum Tours

Leverage platforms like Google Arts & Culture to explore famous museums or landmarks as a group.

Virtual tours allow your team to learn something new together, fostering a sense of discovery and teamwork while working remotely.

13. Virtual Boardgames

Find a site that lets multiple people play board games together and invite your team! Setup a separate zoom or teams call to make it an interactive experience.

14. Virtual Talent Show

Host an online talent show where employees showcase hidden talents—whether it’s playing an instrument, performing magic tricks, or doing a stand-up comedy routine.

It’s a fun and lighthearted way to help people connect and bond remotely.

15. Virtual “Minute to Win It” Games

Inspired by the TV show, these games challenge participants to complete simple tasks in under a minute, such as stacking cups, balancing objects, or completing small puzzles.

Teams compete in breakout rooms and come together for a final showdown, encouraging remote interaction and team bonding.

Outdoor or Physical Activities


16. Group Kayaking or Paddleboarding

Outdoor adventure activities, like kayaking or paddleboarding, help employees bond while working together on physical tasks.

They promote team spirit and communication in an enjoyable, relaxed setting.

17. Park Olympics

If you’re near a public park, organize an Olympics-style competition with events like tug-of-war, relay races, or frisbee throwing.

These physical challenges promote both teamwork and a healthy sense of competition.

18. Goat Yoga

Another team building event which is guaranteed to be a hit: yoga with baby goats or puppies!

Find a local goat yoga (yes that’s really a thing) studio, or see if there are any that will come to your office.

Problem-Solving Team Building Events

an animal incorrectly solving a math problem

19. Lego Serious Play

Teams use Lego bricks to build representations of workplace challenges or future aspirations.

Participants explain their models to the group, fostering open discussion, creativity, and problem-solving. This approach is highly interactive and taps into employees’ imaginations.

20. Mystery Problem Solving

Give each team a “mystery problem” related to a current business challenge. Teams brainstorm solutions within a set time frame and then present their ideas to a panel (or to each other).

This approach encourages collaboration, strategic thinking, and creativity while directly benefiting your company.

21. “Fix the Process” Activity

Assign teams a specific company process—whether it’s onboarding, customer service, or product development—and ask them to come up with ways to improve it.

This activity not only fosters teamwork but also provides valuable insights for improving efficiency and innovation within your business.

Social and Fun Team Building Events

a karaoke mic

22. Karaoke Night

Take your team out for karaoke, where they can let loose and bond over singing their favorite tunes. This activity is perfect for team members who want to relax and have fun in a more informal setting.

23. Pub Trivia

Divide your team into smaller groups and host a trivia night at a local pub (or virtually). Questions can range from general knowledge to company-specific trivia, encouraging friendly competition and teamwork.

24. Movie Marathon

Host a movie marathon either in the office or at a rented space. Let team members vote on the films to be shown, and provide snacks and drinks to make it feel like a fun, social gathering.

Last, but certainly not least

A toasty choice card depiction

25. Let Them Choose!

Asking for suggestions from your team and/or letting them vote from a set of options can be a great way to ensure your team building event is successful.

Employees are more likely to participate if they had some skin in the game, so to speak.

Coincidentally, the power of choices can be applied in other areas as well. For instance, our Toasty Choice Card lets recipients pick from hundreds of brands — guaranteeing that they are able to find something they love.

As team building events can enhance morale and teamwork, offering employees a choice through a digital gift card service brings that same empowerment to your reward system all at no cost.

Let your team select from hundreds of options that suit their preferences, making their experience more meaningful.

Creating Lasting Bonds Through Team Building Events

Successful team building events are more than just a fun break from work; they are investments in the long-term success of your organization.

By fostering communication, trust, and collaboration, these events help create stronger, more resilient teams that work well together.

The key to a successful team building event is ensuring that the activities align with your company’s goals and values while also being fun and engaging for your employees.

By incorporating feedback and continuously evolving your approach, you can create team building experiences that not only improve workplace dynamics but also contribute to a positive, productive, and happy work environment.

So, whether you’re planning a scavenger hunt, a cooking competition, or a virtual escape room, remember that the ultimate goal is to create meaningful connections that empower your team to work together and thrive.

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